
Notice about research

Giving What We Can no longer conducts our own research into charities and cause areas. Instead, we're relying on the work of organisations including J-PAL, GiveWell, and the Open Philanthropy Project, which are in a better position to provide more comprehensive research coverage.

These research reports represent our thinking as of late 2016, and much of the information will be relevant for making decisions about how to donate as effectively as possible. However we are not updating them and the information may therefore be out of date.


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Cras facilisis lectus nisl, non tincidunt neque venenatis dictum. Pellentesque in laoreet mi, a dignissim lectus. Phasellus tincidunt augue leo, eget sollicitudin tortor semper sed. Quisque non consectetur leo, consequat tempor felis. Maecenas lacus dolor, posuere sit amet mi a, consequat bibendum massa. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nunc vitae mollis justo. Nunc dignissim purus et volutpat porttitor.

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“...the rarest of all human qualities is consistency.”
- Jeremy Bentham

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Picture showing cost effectiveness over interventions

Intervention cost-effectiveness in global health in order of DALY per $1,000 on the y-axis, from the DCP2. Compiled from The Moral Imperative Towards Cost Effectiveness by Toby Ord.



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Member count: 10,712

Unique countries count: 113

Amount donated in USD: 454,200,544

Amount pledged in USD: 123

Lifetime pledge count: 9,649

Charity card

Giving What We Can
Giving What We Can

Effective Giving Research & Advocacy

Giving What We Can — the nonprofit organisation behind this website and donation platform — is a community of effective givers. We provide the support, community, and information donors need to do the most good with their charitable donations. Donating to this program supports our core operations.
