Frequently Asked Question

How often should members donate?


A giving pledge commits you to donating a certain amount over the period of your pledge (in the case of The Pledge it's 10% or more over your lifetime or until you retire). Members typically donate on an ongoing basis, rather than letting “donation debt” build up over many years. We check in with members every year and encourage them to log their donations.

However, you don’t have to donate on a strictly monthly nor annual basis. Sometimes members will:

  • Donate less in some years and make up for it in the following years (for example in case of temporary financial hardship).
  • "Batch donations" into certain years (for example for tax advantages).
  • Donate to a charitable trust or donor-advised fund (DAF) and disburse the donations later.

If a member becomes unable to keep their pledged donation percentage for a long period of time or no longer intends to keep their pledge at all, it would be appropriate for them to withdraw from their pledge. We have made a depledging form where people can officially revoke their pledge. Former members are welcome to rejoin if they wish.

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