To view your pledge progress, you'll want to log in to your Pledge Dashboard and ensure you've a) set up financial periods and b) reported any donations made outside of the Giving What We Can platform.
Adding financial periods with your income (and wealth, if you’ve taken a wealth pledge) for a certain date range: Most people do this annually – for example, if your income is 40K this year, you should add a financial period from Jan 1 of this year to Dec 31 of next year and input 40,000. This allows you to track whether your reported donations for this time period add up to 10% (or for a trial or wealth pledge, your pledged percentage) of 40,000. (Note that it's perfectly fine to be under the pledged percentage for some financial periods and over in others. The Overall Progress bar at the top will display whether, as of today, you're meeting your 10% Pledge, based on a sum of all the pledged percentages from all of your financial periods.)
Adding financial periods if your circumstances change mid-year: You can choose any dates that make sense for your financial periods. For example, if you were employed for the first six months of the year but unemployed for the rest of it, you'll want to add two financial periods and select "employed" for the first and "unemployed" for the second.
Reporting donations made outside of the platform: If you have recurring donations set up through Giving What We Can, these will automatically display in your Donations tab and will be counted towards your pledge. To report donations made outside the platform, visit the Donations & Recurring Donations tabs. If a donation you’ve reported is no longer active, be sure to edit it!
Here's a quick video we made in 2025 that shows the Dashboard along with how to add financial periods and report your donations.
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