Frequently Asked Question

Does Gift Aid count toward my pledge?


Yes! If you are a UK taxpayer and claim Gift Aid on your donations, we recommend counting both the Gift Aid as well as your original donation toward your giving pledge. If you donate via Giving What We Can we can automatically claim the Gift Aid for you. If you report donations with the Giving What We Can dashboard it will automatically calculate the Gift Aid amount for you.

If you are counting Gift Aid towards your pledge it is recommended to calculate your pledge amount based on your pre-tax income. If you are not claiming Gift Aid or any tax benefit then it is recommended to calculate your pledge amount based on your post-tax income.

What is gift aid?

Gift Aid is a program that UK taxpayers can use to increase the amount that goes to the charity they donate to (increasing it by 25% for base-rate taxpayers). You can see information about claiming Gift Aid here.

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