SoGive's Top Recommendations

Against Malaria Foundation
Against Malaria Foundation

Bednets To Prevent Malaria

AMF's bed net programs protect people from malaria by distributing and ensuring the use of long-lasting insecticidal bednets in regions with the highest burden of malaria cases.

Clean Air Task Force
Clean Air Task Force

Climate Research & Advocacy

Clean Air Task Force's Climate Research & Advocacy program promotes technical and policy change for the climate by developing pragmatic pathways to a zero-carbon energy system across electricity, transport, and industry sectors.

GiveWell: Top Charities Fund
Top Charities Fund

by GiveWell

The Top Charities Fund improves global wellbeing by supporting the highest-priority funding needs among GiveWell's Top Charities, which are evidence-backed, high-impact, and highly cost-effective opportunities to save and improve the lives of people living in low- and lower-middle-income countries.

Centre for the Governance of AI (GovAI)
Centre for the Governance of AI (GovAI)

AI Governance Field Building

GovAI aims to enhance the management and influence of global policy decisions regarding advanced AI by developing a global research community and engaging with key stakeholders to navigate the challenges and opportunities presented by AI advancements.

Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security
The Center for Health Security at Johns Hopkins

Pandemic Prevention Program

The Pandemic Prevention Program aims to fortify global health by conducting pioneering research and policy analysis to enhance preparedness and response to infectious diseases and public health crises.

Malaria Consortium — Seasonal malaria chemoprevention programme
Malaria Consortium

Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention

The Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention program protects children from malaria by distributing preventative medication at times of high transmission.

Nuclear Threat Initiative — Biosecurity programme
Nuclear Threat Initiative

Global Biological Policy and Programs

NTI's Global Biological Policy and Programs seeks to transform global security by driving systemic solutions to biological threats imperiling humanity.


SoGive helps mid-level and major donors find the most cost-effective giving opportunities for the causes that matter to them. SoGive works with donors to clarify their values and moral priorities. Then, they combine cost-effectiveness analysis with a holistic evaluation of charities’ strategies to ensure that every gift makes a world-class impact.

Plenty of evaluators will give donors their top recommendations, but these recommendations are based on the evaluators’ subjective assumptions about moral weights and giving strategy. SoGive works with donors to make personalized recommendations, thus diversifying the strategies used to allocate funding to effective opportunities. SoGive helps donors’ unique voices and interests make a difference.

SoGive asks charities crucial questions about their impact, strategy, and decision-making, often uncovering important information about nuanced aspects of a charity’s work. And although SoGive’s research is donor-driven, SoGive publishes their most community-relevant findings on the EA Forum, so all effective donors can increase their impact.

SoGive’s research is funded entirely by generous donors. If you’ve found their work helpful and want to support them or commission a piece of research, please contact Spencer R. Ericson.