Tax-deductibility of donations

United States

In the US, Giving What We Can USA is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization in the United States (EIN 93-3629215).

Donations with Giving What We Can in the US are tax-deductible for US donors and subject to US tax laws.

Giving What We Can members can automatically track donations made with Giving What We Can to their pledge without needing to report them separately.


Donating tax-effectively in the US with Giving What We Can

You can increase the impact of your donations by using tax-effective giving options. This ensures that a greater portion of your contribution supports high-impact programs. We recommend that you consult with your tax advisor or the IRS for personalized advice specific to your situation.

Tax Deduction

When you donate through Giving What We Can, your contribution may be tax-deductible, reducing your taxable income. If you itemize deductions on your federal income tax return, you can typically deduct charitable contributions to qualified organizations like Giving What We Can. To make the most of this:

  1. Make a donation and keep your receipt from Giving What We Can.
  2. Itemize your deductions on your tax return, including your charitable donation.
  3. Reduce your taxable income by the amount of your donation, within IRS limits.

Please consult with a tax professional or visit the IRS website for more information on charitable tax deductions.

Employer Matching Programs

Many employers offer matching gift programs that can double or even triple the impact of your donation. Here's how you can take advantage of this opportunity:

  1. Check if your employer has a matching gift program.
  2. Make a donation to Giving What We Can and obtain a receipt.
  3. Submit the receipt to your employer's matching gift program to maximize your contribution.

Donating Stocks and Securities

Donating appreciated stocks, bonds, or mutual funds to Giving What We Can is another tax-effective way to give. This method can allow you to avoid capital gains tax while still receiving a tax deduction for the full market value of the securities.

For guidance on how to donate stocks and securities, please contact us.

Bequests and Planned Giving

Leaving a bequest to Giving What We Can is a meaningful way to ensure your legacy aligns with your values of effective giving. By including Giving What We Can in your estate planning, you may also receive estate tax benefits.

Register your bequest