Election Candidate: Nuclear Threat Initiative – Biosecurity Program
Nuclear Threat Initiative — Biosecurity programme

EA Forum Team is raising money for Nuclear Threat Initiative.






Election Candidate: Nuclear Threat Initiative – Biosecurity Program

NTI | bio works with a variety of key decision-makers and educators — including government leaders, scientists, industry experts, NGOs, and educators — to design and promote threat-reduction projects and improve biosecurity.

NTI believes that “addressing biological threats is a shared responsibility between governments and the private sector.” Specifically, NTI | bio:

This fundraiser was set up as part of the EA Forum Donation Election event, but it’s a normal fundraiser: donations to this fundraiser will be designated for the Malaria Consortium, not for the Donation Election Fund or anything else.

Please also note that donating to this fundraiser does not count as a vote for the Malaria Consortium in the Election (see more about how the Election works here.)


EA Forum Team

The Forum Team (or the Online Team at the Centre for Effective Altruism) runs the EA Forum, the EA Newsletter, and the EA Forum Digest, and works on some other projects. Find them on the EA Forum.

Raising for:

Nuclear Threat Initiative — Biosecurity programme
Nuclear Threat Initiative

Global Biological Policy and Programs

NTI's Global Biological Policy and Programs seeks to transform global security by driving systemic solutions to biological threats imperiling humanity.