GiveWell aims to find charitable programs that are the most cost-effective at saving lives. They publish rigorous research and recommendation to make it easy for donors to find charity programs that maximise their impact per dollar donated. To be recommended by GiveWell, a program must be estimated to be 10 times as cost-effective as unconditional cash transfers.
Why $5,000?
EY UK will match £1,000 in donations to this fundraiser.
Programs supported by the fund:
* Malaria Consortium - Seasonal malaria chemoprevention ($7 per child/$5,000 per life saved)
* Against Malaria Foundation - Provision of bed nets to protect against malaria ($5 per net/$5,500 per life saved)
* Helen Keller International - Vitamin A supplementation ($1 per supplement/$4,000 per life saved)
* New Incentives - Cash transfers to incentivise childhood vaccines ($155 per infant vaccinated/$5,000 per life saved)
The EY Effective Altruism Network is a group of EY employees who are passionate about evidence-based giving and strategic approaches to doing more good with our resources.
We run a monthly newsletter of insights and highlights for our network from EY and the Effective Altruism community. We also maintain an internal sharepoint and teams site so that people interested in doing good effectively can connect with each other.
Top Charities Fund
The Top Charities Fund improves global wellbeing by supporting the highest-priority funding needs among GiveWell's Top Charities, which are evidence-backed, high-impact, and highly cost-effective opportunities to save and improve the lives of people living in low- and lower-middle-income countries.