25th Birthday for Charity
Against Malaria Foundation

Josh Piecyk is raising money for Against Malaria Foundation.






25th Birthday for Charity

Having lived nearly a quarter of a century, I’ve been reflecting on what I truly value—and I determined that I haven’t been doing nearly enough to make a positive impact. To align my actions with my values, I pledged in January to dedicate at least 1% of my income to effective charities for the rest of my life.

For my 25th birthday, I’ve decided to raise funds for the Against Malaria Foundation (AMF). Malaria kills around 600,000 people each year, most of them children under five, even though it’s a completely preventable disease. Just $2 buys a bed net that protects families from malaria-carrying mosquitoes, saving lives and preventing immense suffering.

I chose AMF not just for its life-saving work, but because it gives me a chance to exact revenge on the bug that has eaten me alive my whole life. More importantly though, GiveWell (a top charity evaluator) consistently ranks AMF as one of the most cost-effective organizations in the world at saving lives and reducing suffering.

If you’d like to donate, I’d be deeply grateful for your support. Help me turn my birthday into something that truly matters.


Josh Piecyk

Josh is a Financial Services Consultant.

Raising for:

Against Malaria Foundation
Against Malaria Foundation

Bednets To Prevent Malaria

AMF's bed net programs protect people from malaria by distributing and ensuring the use of long-lasting insecticidal bednets in regions with the highest burden of malaria cases.