Tax deductibility of donations

New Zealand

What are the requirements for a donation to be tax deductible?

In New Zealand, you can only claim a tax deduction for gifts or donations to approved donee organisations.

The person who makes the gift (the donor) is the person who can claim a deduction.

How to donate to the programs on Giving What We Can's donation platform

For donors in New Zealand, we recommend donating through Effective Altruism New Zealand, which facilitates tax-deductible donations to programs in several high-impact cause areas, through its partnerships with Effective Altruism NZ Charitable Trust (EANZCT) and the Gift Trust.

The Effective Altruism New Zealand donation page offers tax-deductible donations for the following programs:

*= This program is included on Giving What We Can's current list of recommended charities.1

Global Health/Development

  • Malaria Consortium*
  • Against Malaria Foundation*
  • New Incentives*
  • Unlimit Health
  • Helen Keller International*
  • EA Funds Global Health & Development Fund
  • Evidence Action— Deworm the World & Safe Water Now programs
  • GiveDirectly— Cash Transfers & Basic Income programs

Animal Welfare

  • The Humane League* (Note: Giving What We Can specifically recommends their corporate campaign program and donating through Giving What We Can will restrict donations to this program. Donating through EA New Zealand will not restrict donations.)
  • ACE Recommended Charity Fund
  • EA Funds Animal Welfare Fund*
  • Wild Animal Initiative
  • Faunalytics
  • Good Food Institute

Longterm Future

  • EA Funds Longterm Future Fund*
  • GovAI
  • CHAI
  • NTI:bio
  • Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security


  • Rethink Priorities
  • StrongMinds

Donate via Effective Altruism New Zealand

Another option:

Carbon Critical's Net Zero fund is an approved donee in New Zealand and can regrant donations to Clean Air Task Force, which is one of the climate change programs supported by Giving What We Can's donation platform.

If you have a Giving What We Can pledge

If you donate through Effective Altruism New Zealand or Carbon Critical's Net Zero fund, your donations won't be automatically linked to your pledge. We recommend manually reporting your donations on your Pledge Dashboard so you can track your pledge progress!

Other programs

If you'd like to donate to other programs, we'd recommend using either a donation swap or donating via Giving What We Can and foregoing the tax-deduction.

Donate via Giving What We Can

(Donating via Giving What We Can will automatically link your donations to your pledge without needing to report them separately.)