Make your public commitment to give a percentage of your income to the most effective charities in the world. Join our community of people committed to helping others effectively. Learn more about the pledge.
31 people pledged this week, bringing us closer to our community goal of 10,000 members taking the 🔸10% Pledge
Which of the following best describes your current employment status?
Choose the standard 🔸10% Pledge or commit to a 🔹Trial Pledge. Not sure where to start? Use our pledge recommendation tool to help guide you through the process.
If you add an optional wealth percentage to your pledge, you're not required to give both income and wealth - just whichever amount is greater that year. For example, if [10% of income] > [1% of wealth] you're only accountable for income that year, not both.
If you add an optional wealth percentage to your pledge, you're not required to give both income and wealth - just whichever amount is greater that year. For example, if [10% of income] > [1% of wealth] you're only accountable for income that year, not both.
Please login or sign up for a Giving What We Can account to continue
Is a pledge legally binding?
No. A pledge is a voluntarily commitment and enforced solely by your own conscience. In some circumstances, it may be best to resign from your pledge by filling in our depledging form.
What if I’m not ready to pledge?
Set yourself a reminder for later, or get in touch if you’d like to discuss anything! In the meantime, we encourage you to donate to an effective charity, browse our resources, sign up to our newsletter, follow us on social media, attend an event and/or join an effective altruism group.
What do you mean by effective charities?
Some organisations are especially good at using donations to improve the world. They tend to work on unusually promising interventions, use scientific evidence to plan their activities, and seek out ways to increase their own impact. Our website provides recommendations for specific charities and guidance for doing your own evaluations.