If you want to reduce the suffering in the world (regardless of who is experiencing it), animal advocacy might be the right cause for you. Over one million land animals are slaughtered every hour in the US alone. In the meantime, countless animals suffer needlessly in the wild.
We think improving animal welfare is a high-priority cause area because of its massive scale. Right now there are around 31 billion land animals being raised in factory farms so they can be slaughtered for food. Living in crowded and confined spaces that are designed with little or no regard for their welfare, these animals often experience intense suffering throughout their lives. An even larger number of fish are farmed each year, and a larger number still suffer in the wild (often due to human-induced changes to their habitat).1
Animal advocacy is an extremely neglected cause area. In the US, only about 3% of charitable contributions support animals and the environment, combined. Of that amount, only about 2% goes to farmed animals.
Estimates of where farmed animal funds are spent from Open Philanthropy.
Because this area does not receive the attention it deserves, your support could be especially impactful.
As so much animal suffering is caused by humans, improving animal welfare has tractable solutions. By reducing or eliminating factory farms, lobbying for more animal-friendly policies, and developing alternatives to animal products, we can vastly reduce the amount of suffering in the world.
We're happy to recommend some cost-effective charities working in this area.
There are many ways you can improve the lives of animals, so it can be difficult to know which is best. We've provided research reports into three specific causes that we think are especially promising.
Conditions in factory farms are appalling. It's a tragedy that any animal has to be raised in a factory farm just to be slaughtered for food, and it seems even worse that their wellbeing could be significantly improved at relatively low cost. Advocating for farmed animals involves pressuring companies to make these improvements, and the work so far has had impressive results — having improved the quality of life for billions of animals.
Learn more about advocating for farmed animals.
Factory farmed animals suffer because there is a demand for their meat and produce. There are several promising ways we can lower this demand, thereby reducing the number of animals who need to endure these horrid conditions. One way is encouraging individuals to consume fewer or no animal products. Another is to provide an alternative by researching and advocating for plant-based or cell-cultured proteins.
Learn more about reducing consumption of animal products.
The overwhelming majority of animals live in the wild, yet extremely little attention gets paid to how we could improve their welfare. This is partly because it's such a complex issue: it's difficult to predict exactly how an ecosystem would respond to an intervention, and we want to make sure we don't make anything worse in our efforts to make things better. At this stage, most of the work involves conducting research so that we can better understand this very neglected cause.
Learn more about helping wild animals.
Though we think improving animal welfare is among the highest-priority cause areas you could support, there are reasons you might choose not to focus on it.
Though there is evidence animals are conscious and can suffer — most of us would recoil to see a beloved pet in pain — you may think human wellbeing is important enough that you prioritise it despite the difference in scale. We think helping animals also helps humans because our farming practices not only hurt animals, but increase the risks of pandemics and contribute to climate change. Yet, it is unlikely these indirect benefits improve human wellbeing as much as helping humans directly, so — if you prioritise helping humans even when this means affecting far fewer sentient lives —you may choose to prioritise global health and wellbeing.
You may think that even though animal welfare is incredibly important, you could have an even bigger effect on the world by reducing global catastrophic risks that could affect both humans and nonhuman animals in the present and future.
We think these are important considerations, each requiring judgement calls that depend on your worldview. Read more about how to choose between causes.
We generally recommend giving via a fund (here’s why). Our recommended funds helping animals:
You can also donate to Giving What We Can's Effective Animal Advocacy Fund, which will pool your money with other donors' contributions and allocate it based on the research team's latest research into which evaluators and grantmakers are best-suited to help donors maximise their impact. Read more about how this fund works and why you might donate to it.
Since our list of recommendations is shorter than in recent years (see why) you may also be interested in checking out some of our other supported programs working on animal welfare.
To learn more about animal welfare, we recommend the following resources:
This page was written by Michael Townsend.
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